
My Website About Longboards

1. What is the topic of your website (so people have some context for the rest of your answers)?

For this class, I have decided to make a website about longboards. It will talk about the different types of longboards, some recommendations, and a how-to guide.

2. What is taking more time than you thought it would? Why do you think that is?

When I’m working on my website, the most time consuming is the writing because you want your writing to be engaging for all audiences. This is hard because it’s like your writing for children and for adults. Also, formatting pages the way I want them to is taking some time. 

3. What is going quicker than you thought it would? Why is that?

I thought that the pictures were going to take a while, but they’re not as much as a pain as I thought they were going to be. 

4. Paste in a link to the page/post/category that you’re proudest of so far.

My home page

5. What type of information are you putting on your site as posts? Why is that information better suited to posts than pages?

I’m putting individual styles of boards, certain accessories, certain brands, etc. But, I’m making a general page for all accessories, styles, etc. that would link to certain posts. This information is more suited for pages because it can be linked to categories and tags so if someone wanted to look at all the posts under “types,” they can. 

6. How many pages do you have finished? Nearly finished? Started? Not yet started?

  • Finished: Home, About, Archives
  • Nearly Finished: Contact page
  • Started: How-to-Guide
  • Not yet started: Types, Deck Styles, Accessories, Brands, Stores, Site Map, Resources

7. How many posts have your written? How many do you plan to have?

  • Posts Written: 3 (test posts)
  • Posts Planned (approximately): 23

8. Have you decided on a theme? No matter how you answer that, tell us what you looked (or will look) for in a theme.

I think I decided on a theme that works great for my website. I like the layout of the menu structure on the top. I used a template home page that was from a different theme because the other one was kinda lame. I like how my footer looks with the “3 column layout”. The color blue works great for what my topic and website name is (The Splash Way). 

9. What do you need to know that would help you get done faster or do a better job on your website?

I need to figure out how to format pages so that they’re unique, but I can make a template. For example, I have pages for each of the different menu items. If I can simply plug in a great template for each page, but make them a little different, it would look professional. It’s just going to take some time.

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